Evernote vs onenote 2019
Evernote vs onenote 2019

evernote vs onenote 2019 evernote vs onenote 2019

I feel that electronically I manage with windows and NIrvana. It´s kind of cool but nothing which can´t be done by windows. Incidentally I had also used onenote for a while but then stopped. I also very much like to establish projects and all sorts of lists which are somewhat interrelated. The tagging function which goes perpendicular to just 2D lists through everything which ever might to be done is just so powerful. The big difference is that something like NIrvana (or similar apps) are literally like 3D To do lists.

evernote vs onenote 2019

I also tried Trello which is a bit better but nothing close to a real GTD app. Starting with list apps of course, but in the end those were only lists. Can also recommend the book atomic habits.īefore I went for Nirvana there were so many other things I have tried out. I have started to use a habit former as well (way of life app - quite good but I stopped after a while since it better gets on your radar by itself after a while). It would be interesting to hear from others how they are using software to reflect the principles from the book such as horizons, goals etc, since this can be easier covered in paper format (I think but I am still learning of course)Ĭlick to expand.Hi interesting to see that we might "tick" in a similar fashion. in the meantime I have come to find that good online content overall costs much more than a few years ago so it´s less striking.Īgree with the cons - Calendar integration is missing and not many updates - although basic functionality is very good. The life long pro application now costs 40 USD which at the time was very expensive. that you can use both on the mobile and online. Other alternatives had disadvantages eg not PC compatible or not cloud based. So it strikes me that while two years ago there were seemed to be quite a few alternatives, I have also settled with Nirvana already back then. As this seems to be a big hurdle for many, do give it a try. This totally reduces time spent and makes for example the reviews much less cumbersome (you can do it on the couch.). Frankly, if people are only half way tech savvy I can so recommend to rather use an electronic solution instead of paper. I also like technology so when I started two years ago I tried an abundance of apps and webbased systems. I have always liked efficient processes so this was really something for me. I don´t really use GTD that long compared with others (just over two years now) but I agree this is a life changing method.

Evernote vs onenote 2019